Sharing all the Tips & Tricks for Ideas of How to Create a Fun & Easy DIY Halloween Mantel for a fireplace that your kids will love complete with classic Halloween decorations, jack o lanterns, candles, pumpkins & bats.
Would you believe that I never had a Halloween mantel before?
I am the person that decks out our mantel for spring, summer, winter & fall, Christmas, 4th of July & even St. Patrick’s Day but have yet to decorate one for Halloween.
Well, this year I wanted to be the house with the giant blow up pumpkin in my yard, the mom who dresses up in costume for her kids Halloween parade at 12 in the afternoon just to cheer them on, the house where even the dog is in costume.
So I started small… with some Halloween mantel decor ideas for our living room fireplace. 🙂
For even more Halloween inspiration be sure to check out even more Halloween ideas from my friends below!
Table of Contents
DIY Fun & Easy Halloween Mantel Ideas
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This year 2, (TWO) of my kids have decided not to go trick or treating.
“Mom, we are too old,” they said.
Wait, What?!!!

Wasn’t it just last year we were covering brown boxes with aluminum foil & gluing red solo cups & dryer vents to make them a robot costume?!!!

Back when they were little… & dressed like dragons, elephants, & lions… I would put them down to sleep with remnants of Hershey bars still fresh on their cheeks… I used to get really frustrated when at 9 at night my doorbell would ring.

And just as those little lions and elephants were falling to sleep, there standing at our front door would be that teenage boy (you know who I mean) with their pillowcase in hand ready to say trick or treat still wanting to be a kid.

Well, I wish I could go back in time & give those teenage boys all the extra candy in our house because it won’t be long before they decide they are too old for Halloween.

Halloween Mantel Decor with a White, Orange & Black Color Scheme
I went with a white, black & orange color scheme for our DIY Halloween Mantel Decor.

I surprised the kids with a Halloween mantel for our living room fireplace.
All 4 of them noticed & smiled. 🙂
It even inspired my two littles to make a few SPOOKY bats of their own for their rooms.

How to Make Paper Bats for DIY Halloween Mantel Decor
(Bats made with black construction paper, chalk and scissors… super simple!)

Super simple & classic for a DIY Halloween Mantel. 🙂

I really think the homemade bats are my favorite part of this DIY Halloween Mantel Decor.

I hope this inspires you to create a DIY Halloween mantel at your home & to spend a little more time making a fool of yourself decorating & enjoying your kiddos on Halloween!
by Tara Lehman
Don’t forget to pin & save our DIY Fun & Easy Halloween Mantel!

Source Code for Decor Ideas the DIY Halloween Mantel with Candles, Pumpkins & Bats
- Pallet Wreath (see the STEP by Step Instructions HERE)
- Candles and Faux Bois Candle Holders – Balsam HillÂ
- Pumpkin Head Clowns & Treat or Treat Countdown – Home Goods
- Jack O’ Lantern Tea Light Candle Holders – Partylite

Welcome to our monthly Creative Blog Hop!
This month it’s all about Halloween/Fall Projects where you’ll find lots of inspiration to keep you DIYing for months!
Thanks so much to Janine and Sam for organizing our monthly hop!
Tammy @ Hey Fitzy | Mary @ The Boondocks Blog
Janine @ Happy Happy Nester | Carolann @ Sassy Townhouse Living
Norma @ Paint Me Pink | Sarah @ Creative Ramblings
Tara @ Lehman Lane | Michelle @ Our Crafty Mom
Sam @ Raggedy Bits | Amanda @ Life On The Bay Bush
Leanna @ Faeries and Fauna | Ashly @ Modern Glam
Katrin @ KreativK | Jodie & Julie @ The Design Twins
Kellie @ Gratefully Vintage
Your mantel is really sweet all decorated for Halloween and the pallet wreath fits in perfectly! My girls are still up for trick or treating but unfortunately here there isn´t such thing. We still do Candy for dinner though 😉
Thank you so much for stopping by and for your kind words about my Halloween mantel Katrin! Candy is definitely my kids favorite part of Halloween :).
Love that your mantel is pretty and light colours. The little pumpkin character is adorable. I think its great that your getting dressed up and participating. So much fun, enjoy.
Thank you Leanna!
How adorable is your Halloween Mantel!!! Love your cute standing pumpkins and your bats flying away! I’m sure that your kiddies loved it when you surprised them!
They really were excited about our Halloween mantel when they got home :). Thanks so much for all your hard work for our monthly hop!
I get my inspiration from my babies, it’s the reason why I decorate for the holidays. I just love seeing them smile and get excited when we start pulling out holiday decor. I’m sure your kiddos will love it! Your mantel looks so classy and beautiful!
Thanks so much for stopping by to see my Halloween mantel Norma! My kiddos were really excited when they came home from school and saw it!
I love your story about your kiddos! Your write is wonderful and you captured past Halloweens so perfectly. Your mantel is gorgeous and I love that your kiddos ended up making some bats for their bedrooms! Happy Halloween! Thanks so much for joining us this month!
Thank you so much for your sweet comments about my post and Halloween mantel Janine! Happy Halloween to you too 🙂
I just love your mantel, Tara! All the decor looks so beautiful! My son’s birthday is on Halloween and it’s always been super special for me as well. I love how the kids made some bats they are one of the most awesome decorations I’ve seen this year.
Thank you so much Carolann! My kids really enjoying making those bats :). Happy Halloween!
Love your mantel! The bats are too cute! Enjoyed hopping with you! 🙂
Thanks Amanda! Happy Halloween!
Tara they are never too old to go trick or treating. My kids are 19 and 20 and are going to experience Halloween in the states for the first time. We are so looking forward to it. I had a party for them last year but it’s different here. I’m sure yours will come around as the days get near. And that mantel is like coming home, so sweet and cozy!
I hope your kids have an amazing Halloween Mary! I certainly hope your right and my older boys change their minds about trick or treating! Thanks so much for stopping by to check out my Halloween mantel.
Thank you for sharing your mantel for this halloween blog hop. I bet your kids were so excited to see it and I can only imagine the fun the littles are having creating more bats!
My kids really enjoyed making bats for their rooms. Thanks so much for stopping by to see my Halloween mantel Tammy!