How to Make Pretty DIY Speckled Eggs for Spring Decor

DIY - Speckled Eggs on Spring Table

Sharing how to make pretty DIY speckled eggs to decorate for Spring including instructions & pictures.

I wanted to have more natural looking eggs to use in my Spring décor. 

Eggs are the perfect reminder of new life that begins every Spring. 

I created these ceramic speckled eggs after unsuccessfully trying to paint some cheap plastic ones… trust me, it was bad. 🙂  

This is pretty much the easiest craft project ever.

DIY Speckled Eggs for Spring Decor

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Sharing how to make pretty DIY speckled eggs to decorate for Spring including instructions & pictures. #springcrafts #easter #eggs

Supplies & Tools Needed to Make DIY Speckled Eggs

Instructions for How to Make DIY Speckled Eggs

DIY - Speckled Eggs - white eggs on mantel

I found these simple white ceramic eggs at my local craft store for a dollar each. 

They looked great by themselves but they definitely didn’t have that natural look I was going for.

How to Paint White & Brown Speckled Eggs

DIY - Speckled Eggs - paint

I poured some brown acrylic paint on a paper plate and using a toothbrush I flicked some paint on each egg to make look like a real bird’s egg.

DIY - Speckled Eggs - painting eggs

I turned the egg in a circle to ensure that the whole egg was speckled.  It only took a short time for the paint to dry.

DIY - Speckled Eggs on mantel

Personalizing Speckled Eggs

Using a fine tip sharpie I decided to add each family members name on it so I could use them as a place setting on our Easter table.

DIY - Speckled Eggs on dining table

Although there is some debate between Jason and I as to whether the names are absolutely necessary I think it makes the eggs a little more special. 🙂

DIY - Speckled Eggs

I placed the eggs in some antique glass compotes and added a little moss to each cup to make it a little more Springy.

When the farmhouse table isn’t set I have been storing the eggs on our dining room fireplace mantel. 

DIY - Speckled Eggs Simple Spring Tour - dining room table

They look so pretty lined up in a row.

DIY - Speckled Eggs on dining room mantel

Thanks so much for stopping by to see my DIY speckled eggs!  Do you have any spring craft projects you are working on?

by Tara Lehman

Don’t forget to Save & Pin my DIY Speckled Eggs or follow along on Pinterest for more Spring Ideas!

I wanted to have more natural looking eggs to use in my Spring décor.  Eggs are the perfect reminder of new life that begins every Spring. Sharing I made this incredibly simple speckled eggs! #eggs #diy

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