DIY Lattice to Hide An Ugly Wall Under the Front Porch

DIY lattice

The last few weeks we have been trying to improve the curb appeal of our home. This week, I am back to share how we created a DIY lattice wall to hide a REALLY ugly stone wall in the front our farmhouse front porch. 

DIY Lattice to Hide an Ugly Wall

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share how we created a DIY lattice wall to hide a REALLY ugly stone wall in the front our farmhouse front porch.  #lattice

The wall under the front porch of our farmhouse use to be hidden by a few boxwood & hydrangea shrubs that we decided to transplant because they were blocking the view of our front door.

However…. the second we removed them… this very sad looking UGLY wall suddenly came into view!

DIY lattice

Supplies & Tools Need to Make a DIY Lattice

  • Pressure Treated or Cedar Wood Boards (enough to cover your wall horizontally & vertically & a little extra wood to screw the boards into)
  • Exterior screws & screw driver to screw the boards to the wall
  • Table saw to zip down the wood
  • Pin Nailer to finish nail the tops boards

I am not sure why the cement wall was added or why they would cover up the brick wall behind it but the wall was starting to crumble & even the outlet was no longer attached. 

Soon after we moved in we attached a small trellis to the wall & planted a clematis in the hopes that it would trail along the trellis and hide the wall.

Unfortunately… the end our small trellis did little to hide our ugly wall…

DIY lattice

Step by Step Instructions for How To Make a DIY Lattice to Cover an Ugly Wall

Step ONE – Add 1 by 2 Strips of Scrap Wood to the Wall

After taking down the old trellis Jason screwed in 2 more 1 x 2 strips into the wall for a total a 5 boards. 

Step TWO – Add Horizontal Boards to the Wall

Jason zipped down strips of 2 x 4’s down to go across the cement wall. 

We screwed the wood strips into the 5 boards with exterior screws. 

The strips did a great job hiding the wall but made it look very modern….def not the century old farmhouse look we were going for. 🙂

DIY lattice

Step THREE – Add Vertical Boards on Top of the Horizontal Boards

To make the strips less modern & more like a farmhouse we added cedar boards left over from our cedar fence & cut them down to create a lattice. 

Since the cedar had been cut from making the fence over 2 years ago it had a nice aged patina to it. 

We attached the cedar strips with our pin nailer.

DIY lattice

Step FOUR – Finish our your DIY Lattice Wood Wall

To finish it off we used cedar 1 x 4’s to give the DIY lattice a cleaner look.

DIY lattice

We love the look of the of our DIY lattice. 

It really gives the front of our home more of an old farmhouse feel in my opinion & it helps to soften the look of the stone & siding.

DIY lattice

And… most importantly it hides our UGLY wall!

Diy lattice
DIY lattice

In order to create some Farmhouse Curb Appeal this is what we have been up to….

  • dig out and move the shrubs that are in bad spots in the front and place in better locations in the yard
  • add a tree, some evergreens and other small perennials to the front
  • hide the ugly short wall in the front
  • add more comfortable seating to the front porch
  • paint the entryway bench
  • change out the front light to one that isn’t as bird friendly and has more of a farmhouse feel
  • add more potted plants and porch decor
  • time permitting extend the front entrance by adding a pergola

As you can see from my list above that we aren’t quite done but I we are getting there.  I hope this inspires you to create & answers all your questions about creating a DIY lattice wood wall at your home.

by Tara Lehman

Curb Appeal Hop – Week 3

Don’t forget to stop by my friends homes below to see what they have been up to this week!

Seeking Lavender Lane / Simple Nature Decor / The Deans List / Mom Home Guide

Curly Crafty Mom / My Life from Home / Lehman Lane / Knock it Off Kim

Paint Yourself a Smile / A Designer at Home / Our House Now a Home

Curb Appeal Reveal – See How Different our Farmhouse Looks with the Changes HERE

Farmhouse front porch - curb appeal reveal
Curb Appeal Reveal

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  1. It looks very nice, but I REALLY loved the horizontal boards before you added the vertical ones. It matched the direction of the siding on the house and I think looked clean and crisp. Good job – it looks so much better.

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